Wins the commonwealth fencing logo competition

"Hi Sam

It is my great pleasure to advise you that your entry Sam3 has won the Great Logo Competition 2010. Congratulations it was a great contest with excellent entries!

This is a personal advice to confirm your success and to ensure that you are comfortable with the conditions:

The prize? Your graphic ability will be displayed to a Commonwealth audience! You will receive a certificate of appreciation and you will be published. We will also throw in an entry to an AFF event in 2010 or 2011 and a “T” shirt from your design. Of course the major prize is that you will feel so good about it!!!
Copyright will be owned by Fencing Victoria.
Please accept the prize and conditions by return email.

Also could you please supply the logo in high quality & suitable formats for the applications required without protection so that we can commence use and advise the World! (Well, the Commonwealth).

Again Sam this is a great design that we all feel will be a great asset to the event.

Kind regards

Bill Ronald
Event Director CFC10 ".-
